Talks about #realestate, #communityimpact, #highereducation, #realestateresearch, and #realestateprojectmanagement

Service Dogs in Real Estate

B/Department of Real Estate presenter for Service Dogs in Real Estate - Courses (Authored)

Service Dogs in Real Estate (c) 2023 Neil Resto℠ · Jan 10, 2014

(c) 2023, Service Dogs for Property Management 2.0

1. Service Dog Regulations and Requirements for Residential Property Management

2. Service Dog Regulations and Requirements for Commercial Property Management

A comprehensive guide and class to the roles and processes for Service Dogs in Real Estate Transactions; with expansion into ...

3. Emotional Support Animals Regulations and Requirements for Residential Property Management

4. "Exotic Animals as Pets" Regulations and Requirements for Residential Property Management

5. Service Dogs on Commercial Premises, and Public Access Regulations & Requirements


Information provided for national and state specific optimized learning. 


Links and Pages currently "Under Construction"

 Neil Hutchins 

Certified Service Dog Trainer - Service Dog Trainers Association

Certified Trick Dog Instructor - Do More With Your Dog!©

Neil Resto℠ | Neil Resto, LLC

Aerospace Valley, California

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